by Ed Stong, Director of Development

We thank God for your friendship and support, and are looking forward to spreading Christ’s love and ministering to even more people in need in 2023. We so appreciate any outright gifts, but if you can, please consider any of these other ways to give, which may help you with your taxes, and us at the same time:
• Gifts of Stocks, Property, or Paid-up Life Insurance – often it is better for you to directly gift us these, to save you on your taxes, and to result in a bigger net gift for us and our work! Please call or email me for the easy steps to follow.
• Putting Companions of St. Anthony in your Will – this will help the many future generations know and love Christ the way you do! To help us to continue serving in parishes, schools and ministries, simply make (or update) your Will with this language: “I give or assign X dollars (or X percent of my estate) to Companions of St. Anthony, a Catholic 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Ellicott City, MD.”
Thank you for considering these easy-to-do ways to help us that will have long-lasting effects as we serve many — including possibly your kids and grandkids — well into the new year and the future! Please contact Ed Stong at or 240-583-7616 to visit or to discuss ways to help before year end. God bless you.
Articles from this edition: